Results for 'Euler Renato Westphal'

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  1.  10
    Eine Ethik der Lebens-Nachhaltigkeit: Aspekte aus der brasilianischen Bioethik.Euler Renato Westphal - 2012 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 56 (1):24-35.
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    PERETTI, Clélia. Nas trilhas de Edith Stein: gênero em perspectiva fenomenológica e teológica. Curitiba: Appris, 2019. 323p. [REVIEW]Evandro Pegoraro - 2022 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 5 (1).
    Publicou-se pela editora Appris no ano de 2019 o livro Nas trilhas de Edith Stein:gênero em perspectiva fenomenológica e teológica, da pesquisadora Clélia Peretti,professora do curso de Bacharelado em Teologia e do Programa de Pós-Graduação(Mestrado e Doutorado) em Teologia da PUCPR. Resultado do seu doutorado, o livropossui como tema as contribuições nos campos da filosofia e da teologia na perspectivafeminina a partir da filósofa e mística Edith Stein, uma das grandes mulheres do séculoXX. Escrito por uma mulher sobre uma das (...)
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    ‘Analytic Philosophy and the Long Tail of Scientia: Hegel and the Historicity of Philosophy’.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2010 - The Owl of Minerva 42 (1/2):1–18.
    Rejection of the philosophical relevance of history of philosophy remains pronounced within contemporary analytic philosophy. The two main reasons for this rejection presuppose that strict deduction is both necessary and sufficient for rational justification. However, this justificatory ideal of scientia holds only within strictly formal domains. This is confirmed by a neglected non-sequitur in van Fraassen’s original defence of ‘Constructive Empiricism’. Conversely, strict deduction is insufficient for rational justification in non-formal, substantive domains of inquiry. In non-formal, substantive domains, rational justification (...)
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    Back to the 3 R’s: Rights, Responsibilities and Reasoning.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2016 - SATS 17 (1):21-60.
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    Artificial Grammar Learning Capabilities in an Abstract Visual Task Match Requirements for Linguistic Syntax.Gesche Westphal-Fitch, Beatrice Giustolisi, Carlo Cecchetto, Jordan S. Martin & W. Tecumseh Fitch - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:387357.
    Whether pattern-parsing mechanisms are specific to language or apply across multiple cognitive domains remains unresolved. Formal language theory provides a mathematical framework for classifying pattern-generating rule sets (or “grammars”) according to complexity. This framework applies to patterns at any level of complexity, stretching from simple sequences, to highly complex tree-like or net-like structures, to any Turing-computable set of strings. Here, we explored human pattern-processing capabilities in the visual domain by generating abstract visual sequences made up of abstract tiles differing in (...)
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    Autonomy, Freedom & Embodiment: Hegel's Critique of Contemporary Biologism.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2014 - Hegel Bulletin 35 (1):56-83.
    The apparent implications of the latest findings of the life sciences for our freedom and autonomy are both exciting and controversial: They undermine a common view of human freedom: a fundamentally Cartesian view. A superior account of our freedom was developed by Kant and Hegel. Key features of Hegel's account show that we can expect from the life sciences further insights into the biological basis of our freedom and autonomy, but not their repudiation. I begin with basic features of Cartesian (...)
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    Harmonias e dissonâncias: estudos sobre o pensamento filosófico de António José de Brito.Maria Celeste Natário, António Braz Teixeira & Renato Epifânio (eds.) - 2008 - Sintra: Zéfiro Edições.
    ESTUDOS SOBRE O PENSAMENTO FILOSÓFICO DE ANTÓNIO JOSÉ DE BRITO Quem haja seguido com compreensiva e valorativa atenção o percurso da reflexão filosófica portuguesa no último quarto do século XX, não poderá ter deixado de reconhecer o destacado lugar que nele ocupa a obra de António José de Brito, Professor Catedrático jubilado da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, pelo exigente rigor, coerência sistemática e originalidade do seu pensamento de cariz dialéctico, desenvolvido a partir da noção principial de Insuperável, (...)
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    “What Do You Think about Genetic Medicine?” Facilitating Sociable Public Discourse on Developments in the New Genetics.Robyn Shaw, Aidan Davison, Renato Schibeci & Ian Barns - 2000 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 25 (3):283-308.
    An important aspect of any meaningful public discussion about developments in gene technology is the provision of opportunities for interested publics to engage in sociable public discourse with other lay people and with experts. This article reports on a series of peer group conversations conducted in late 1996 and early 1997 with sixteen community groups in Perth, Western Australia, interested in gene therapy technology. With the case of cystic fibrosis as a particular focus, and using background resource material as a (...)
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    Aquinas and Onto-theology.Merold Westphal - 2006 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 80 (2):173-191.
    For Heidegger, onto-theology is the use of abstract, impersonal categories under the principle of sufficient reason that has one goal and two results. The goal is to make God fully intelligible to human understanding. The results are the disappearance of mystery from our understanding of God and the loss of any religious significance for the “God” that results. I argue that Aquinas is not guilty of onto-theology because his use of abstract, impersonal categories is subsumed (aufgehoben, teleologically suspended) in his (...)
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  10. A new way with the Consequence Argument, and the fixity of the laws.Jonathan Westphal - 2003 - Analysis 63 (3):208-212.
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    Aphorisms on the Absolute: Editorial Introduction.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2020 - The Owl of Minerva 51 (1):1-10.
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    Addendum to ‘Elements of the Philosophy of “Right”’.Jonathan Westphal - 2024 - Philosophical Investigations 48 (1):45-48.
    In a paper called ‘Elements of the Philosophy of “Right”’ (Philosophical Investigations (2022):1–8), I gave an account of what ‘right’ means, both ethically and generally. I was surprised to find little or no previous work on this topic. I came to the conclusion that the word means the same thing in ethical uses as it does in other non-ethical uses. However, I have since come to see that there is a seemingly convincing objection to my account, though I stand by (...)
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    Aus der grossen zeit der berliner physik.Wilhelm H. Westphal - 1960 - In Georg Kotowski, Eduard Neumann & Hans Leussink (eds.), Studium Berolinense: Aufsätze Und Beiträge Zu Problemen der Wissenschaft Und Zur Geschichte der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Zu Berlin. De Gruyter. pp. 791-815.
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    Books in review.Merold Westphal, Louis Jacobs & John Collins - 1977 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8 (1):67-73.
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    4 Becoming Real—with Style.Merold Westphal - 2006 - In Samuel Clark Buckner & Matthew Statler (eds.), Styles of piety: practicing philosophy after the death of God. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 76-92.
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    A review of Thomas F. Green, 1999, Voices: The Educational Formation of Conscience. [REVIEW]Kenneth R. Westphal - 2003 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 22 (6):507-512.
  17. Adriaan T. Peperzak: Hegels praktische Philosophie. Ein Kommentar zur enzyklopädischen Darstellung der menschlichen Freiheit und ihrer objektiven Verwirklichung. [REVIEW]Kenneth Westphal - 1994 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 2.
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    Übergang. [REVIEW]Kenneth R. Westphal - 1993 - The Owl of Minerva 24 (2):235-242.
    This book provides an important opportunity to explore Hegel's relation to Kant. Hegel claims that a proper criticism of a philosophy must be sufficiently immanent, detailed, and systematic to show that and how a more adequate view is introduced and justified by a thorough comprehension of the merits and deficiencies of another view. However, Hegel's explicit criticisms of Kant cannot be credited with meeting this exacting standard. His lectures on Kant do not get beyond an overview, and though he makes (...)
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    Letters of Euler on Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy.Leonhard Euler - 1833 - Arno Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Adriaan theodoor Peperzak: Beyond: The philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. [REVIEW]Merold Westphal - 1999 - Continental Philosophy Review 32 (1):101-105.
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    Allen W. Wood, "Hegel's Ethical Thought". [REVIEW]Merold Westphal - 1992 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 30 (2):313.
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    Begriff, Bedingungen und Funktionen des Kompromisses. [REVIEW]Manon Westphal - 2023 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (1):136-142.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Merold Westphal & Ronald L. Burr - 1984 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (3):271-274.
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    How Hume and Kant Reconstruct Natural Law: Justifying Strict Objectivity Without Debating Moral Realism.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    Kenneth R. Westphal presents an original interpretation of Hume's and Kant's moral philosophies, the differences between which are prominent in current philosophical accounts. Westphal argues that focussing on these differences, however, occludes a decisive, shared achievement: a distinctive constructivist account of the basic principles of justice which justifies their strict objectivity without invoking moral realism nor moral anti- or irrealism. Westphal explores how Hume developed a kind of constructivism for basic property rights and for government, and how (...)
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    (1 other version)Renato Lazzarini.Renato Lazzarini - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 3:486-488.
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    Carl Schmitt and authoritarian liberalism: strong state, free economy.Renato Cristi - 1998 - Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
    Within Germany, Carl Schmitt's status as a political thinker is on a par with Machiavelli and Hobbes. With the rise in neo-conservatism and authoritarian liberalism in less developed countries such as Chile and Singapore, Renato Christi believes Schmitt's theories will become of considerable importance. Nazi Third Reich. His political theories provide an insight into the nature of Conservatism. well as extrapolate possibilities for the future.
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  27. Leonhard Euler: Letters to a German princess (1760-1762).Euler - 2009 - In Eric Watkins (ed.), Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: Background Source Materials. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Levinas and Kierkegaard in Dialogue.Merold Westphal - 2008 - Indiana University Press.
    Few philosophers have devoted more than passing attention to similarities between the thought of Søren Kierkegaard, a Danish Christian, and Emmanuel Levinas, a French Jew. Here, one of philosophy of religion's most distinctive voices offers a sustained comparison. Focusing on questions surrounding otherness, transcendence, postmodernity, and the nature of religious thought, Merold Westphal draws readers into a dialogue between the two thinkers. Westphal's masterful command of both philosophies shows that each can learn from the other. Levinas and Kierkegaard (...)
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    Il Tentamen novae theoriae musicae di Leonhard Euler (Pietroburgo 1739): traduzione e introduzione.Leonhard Euler - 2010 - Torino, Italia: Accademia delle scienze di Torino. Edited by Alvise De Piero & Leonhard Euler.
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    Società, norme e valori: studi in onore di Renato Treves.Renato Treves, Uberto Scarpelli & Vincenzo Tomeo (eds.) - 1984 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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    Hegel’s Epistemological Realism: A Study of the Aim and Method of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2012 - Springer Verlag.
    The scope of this study is both ambitious and modest. One of its ambitions is to reintegrate Hegel's theory of knowledge into main stream epist~ology. Hegel's views were formed in consideration of Classical Skepticism and Modern epistemology, and he frequently presupposes great familiarity with other views and the difficulties they face. Setting Hegel's discussion in the context of both traditional and contemporary epistemology is therefore necessary for correctly interpreting his issues, arguments, and views. Accordingly, this is an issues-oriented study. I (...)
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    Kant, Hegel, and the Transcendental Material Conditions of Possible Experience.Kenneth R. Westphal - 1996 - Hegel Bulletin 17 (1):23-41.
    I argue that Hegel is aware of a crucial problem in Kant’s transcendental account of the conditions of human knowledge. Unless the matter of sensation is sufficiently ordered (and sufficiently varied) we could not make any cognitive judgments. In that case we could not distinguish ourselves from objects we know, and so could not be self-conscious. This is a necessary, formal and transcendental condition of possible human experience. However, it is also (as Kant acknowledged) a material – not a conceptual (...)
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    Book Symposium on Kenneth R. Westphal’s How Hume and Kant Reconstruct Natural Law.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (2):197-237.
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  34. Hegel's critique of theoretical spirit: Kant's functionalist cognitive psychology in context.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2019 - In Marina F. Bykova (ed.), Hegel's Philosophy of Spirit: A Critical Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  35. Modern moral epistemology.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2018 - In Aaron Zimmerman, Karen Jones & Mark Timmons (eds.), Routledge Handbook on Moral Epistemology. New York: Routledge.
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    Some Replies to Remarks and Queries by Professor Parrini, Students and Members of the Audience.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2015 - Esercizi Filosofici 10 (1).
    Concise replies to remarks and queries by Paolo Parrini, and by students andmembers of the audience regarding the topics indicated by the above mentioned keywords.
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    Der Streit zwischen der theologischen und der philosophischen Fakultät in Kants Schrift „Der Streit der Fakultäten“.Werner Ludwig Euler - 2017 - Ruch Filozoficzny 72 (4):7.
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    Exclusion-Proneness in Borderline Personality Disorder Inpatients Impairs Alliance in Mentalization-Based Group Therapy.Sebastian Euler, Johannes Wrege, Mareike Busmann, Hannah J. Lindenmeyer, Daniel Sollberger, Undine E. Lang, Jens Gaab & Marc Walter - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:319991.
    Interpersonal sensitivity, particularly threat of potential exclusion, is a critical condition in borderline personality disorder (BPD) which impairs patients’ social adjustment. Current evidence-based treatments include group components, such as mentalization-based group therapy (MBT-G), in order to improve interpersonal functioning. These treatments additionally focus on the therapeutic alliance since it was discovered to be a robust predictor of treatment outcome. However, alliance is a multidimensional factor of group therapy, which includes the fellow patients, and may thus be negatively affected by the (...)
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  39. Colour: A Philosophical Introduction.Jonathan Westphal - 1991 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
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    Natur und Freiheit: Kommentar zu den Einleitungen in Kants "Kritik der Urteilskraft".Werner Euler - 2018 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
  41. Causal Realism and the Limits of Empiricism: Some Unexpected Insights from Hegel.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2015 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 5 (2):281-317.
    The term ‘realism’ and its contrasting terms have various related senses, although often they occlude as much as they illuminate, especially if ontological and epistemological issues and their tenable combinations are insufficiently clarified. For example, in 1807 the infamous ‘idealist’ Hegel argued cogently that any tenable philosophical theory of knowledge must take the natural and social sciences into very close consideration, which he himself did. Here I argue that Hegel ably and insightfully defends Newton’s causal realism about gravitational force, in (...)
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    The role of cognitive abilities in decisions from experience: Age differences emerge as a function of choice set size.Renato Frey, Rui Mata & Ralph Hertwig - 2015 - Cognition 142 (C):60-80.
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  43. History and Truth in Hegel’s Phenomenology.Merold Westphal - 1978 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 86 (4):563-565.
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    Gilligan, Kohlberg and 20th-Century (C.E.) Moral Theory: Does Anglophone Ethics Rest on a Mistake?Westphal Kenneth - 2022 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 30 (1):199-234.
    In Erwiderung auf Kohlbergs Theorie moralischer Entwicklung betont Gilligan (1982, 2. Aufl.: 1993, S. 18 – 9), dass seine Theorie völlig von ihrem postulierten Ziel abhänge, nämlich einer prinzipien-geleiteten Urteilskraft. Hier wird nun analysiert, inwiefern Gilligans Diagnose nur die Spitze eines moralischen sowie theoretischen Eisbergs dadurch beleuchtet, dass ihre Untersuchungen der Klärung dienen, inwiefern Kohlbergs Etappen „Fünf“ und „Sechs“ eine spezifische Theorie des „moralischen Standpunkts“ voraussetzen, bei der Fragen der Gerechtigkeit und zu viel von dem, was wir einander und auch (...)
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    Hegel’s Epistemology: A Philosophical Introduction to the Phenomenology of Spirit.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2003 - Hackett.
    Though concise and introductory, this book argues inter alia that Dretske’s information-theoretic epistemology must take into account that many of our information channels are socially constructed, not least through learning concepts and information. These social aspects of human knowledge are consistent with realism about the objects of our empirical knowledge. It further argues that, though important, Margaret Gilbert’s social ontology in principle can neither accommodate nor account for the most fundamental social dimensions of human cognition.
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    Colour: some philosophical problems from Wittgenstein.Jonathan Westphal - 1987 - New York, NY, USA: Blackwell.
  47. Taking St. Paul seriously: Sin as an epistemological category.Merold Westphal - 1990 - In Thomas P. Flint (ed.), Christian Philosophy. Univ Notre Dame Pr. pp. 200--226.
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    Emotional Faces in Symbolic Relations: A Happiness Superiority Effect Involving the Equivalence Paradigm.Renato Bortoloti, Rodrigo Vianna de Almeida, João Henrique de Almeida & Julio C. de Rose - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Covid 19 - some Lessons from Public Administrations for Humanistic Management.Renato Ruffini, Valerio Traquandi, Marta Ingaggiati & Giovanni Barbato - 2022 - Humanistic Management Journal 7 (1):157-177.
    In order to understand how the logic of public management can enrich humanistic management’s practices, the current paper will analyze the managerial practices adopted by public administrations within a situation of emergency, a condition where the specific features of the public management can emerge more clearly. Specifically, it will focus on the ways in which the municipality of Bergamo (one of the hardest-hit cities) have reacted to the Covid-19 pandemic, outlining interesting managerial practices especially from the point of view of (...)
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  50. Is Life Absurd?Jonathan Westphal & Christopher Cherry - 1990 - Philosophy 65 (252):199 - 203.
    Thomas Nagel believes, with some existentialists, that life is absurd. We shall criticize his belief, as well as the anodyne he offers.
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